The correct placement of an FM Transmitter antenna is key in providing a great audience experience.
Please read the below article explaining the concept of a Dipole Antenna for an FM Transmitter and the benefits of having a frequency matching antenna setup.
The Dipole Antenna is simplest to understand from a theoretical point of view. Most commonly it consists of two conductors of equal length oriented end-to-end with the feedline connected between them.
These are a type of resonant antennas, that increase the dB gain when the length is matched to the intended FM Transmission frequency.
Toroidal Polar Pattern:
The Dipole antenna has a toroidal polar pattern that allows you to achieve great coverage without nulls except for the centre. Correct placing of this type of antenna is crucial to achieving a coverage that avoids the centre of the toroidal null.
Dipole Antenna:
Blue = Electric Field, Red = Magnetic Field
Animated Diagram of a Dipole Antenna
Dipole provides the best performance if it is more than a half-wavelength above the ground, surface of a body of water or horizontal conducting medium such as sheet-metal roofing. The element should also be a certain wavelength away from electrically conducting obstructions such as supporting towers, utility wires and other antennas.
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